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Posted 11/8/07

Family Support of Wrestlers
by Neil Turner
Director/Coach Mat-Town USA Wrestling Club
Lock Haven, PA

Below are some suggestions on how a family can help support their student wrestler:

* Everyone in the family must focus on good nutrition, not just the wrestler.

* When you view a video of the student in training or competition always focus first and foremost on what they do best.

* Encourage the process. The results will take care of themselves. The education is in the journey.

* Support the coaching staff.

* Be sure to provide a good environment for academic work at home.

* You cannot be a fan of other wrestlers when you have a wrestler in your family. Guard carefully what you say about other wrestlers.

* Get involved with the booster organization. Successful programs become a family.

* Be sure your student has clean workout gear every day and a clean towel every day. Skin infection can be prevented by cleanliness, proper rest and good nutrition.

* Provide a great environment for sleep.